PHK Professional Hunters Knife


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PHK Professional Hunters Knife
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Wherever big game has roamed, man has followed. For food, or fortune, to protect, or to feel that secret,thrilling,desire of the chase, men have sought to hunt large and dangerous game.

But what are we in their midst?, toothless, clawless, without the strength or speed to overpower them, Yet our skill of tool making has made us equals, more than equals, and the PHK is the choice of the professional hunter, the man who daily lives his life with big game. Fallkniven's newest knife, long upswept drop point blade, of 126mm in length, in 3G laminate steel, perfect for skinning,splitting and slicing.Beautifully balanced and finished ,the knife sits alert in the hand, and in the hand of the hunter,the serious big game hunter, is where it belongs. 



PHK Professional Hunters Knife
PHK Professional Hunters Knife