Barkriver Knives Petty Z CPM 154 Brown Canvas


Barkriver Knives Petty Z CPM 154 Brown Canvas

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Barkriver Knives Petty Z CPM 154


Super quality Kitchen knife from Barkriver Knives, USA. These 'Petty' Style knives are really useful in the kitchen, designed as they are for a variety of cutting tasks.


The term 'Petty' comes from the original Japanese word, meaning a Paring/Ultility knife. Typically meaning a general Purpose knife.

And this is what Barkriver's PettyZ is! a superb slicing Knife for around the kitchen, offering a quality CPM154 Powder Steel Blade with thin profile and Barkrivers excellent convex edge.

Highly Ergonomic handle with full broad tang and pinned slabs these knives are quality, last a lifetime, pieces.


There is no Sheath with this knife!


All made in the USA.





Overall Length: 9in/22.86cm
Blade Length: 4.7in/11.9cm
Cutting Edge: 4.25in/10.79cm
Blade Thickness: .085in/2.15mm
Blade Steel: CPM 154

Barkriver Knives Petty Z CPM 154 Brown Canvas
Bark River Petty Z CPM 154